Package org.sump.analyzer

Interface Summary
Configurable This interface defines the methods required to make (UI) object states controllable by the project mechanism.
StatusChangeListener Simple interface for a "event" mechanism that allows the diagram to update the main windows status bar.

Class Summary
CapturedData CapturedData encapsulates the data obtained by the analyzer during a single run.
Device Device provides access to the physical logic analyzer device.
DeviceController GUI Component that allows the user to control the device and start captures.
Diagram This component displays a diagram which is obtained from a CapturedData object.
DiagramLabels Stores the diagram labels and provides a dialog to change them.
DiagramSettings Stores diagram display settings and provides a dialog for changing them.
Loader Loader for the Logic Analyzer Client.
MainWindow Main frame and starter for Logic Analyzer Client.
Project Project maintains a global properties list for all registered objects implementing Configurable.